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Chile with World Music Mission Songwriting Youth Camps

Wow! Chile! What a blessing to be here! Pastor Franklin here in Quillota, Chile said that the last time they had a music conference in this area was about 20 years ago. In North America we have so many opportunities to attend a variety of conferences and have access to many books as well as a large quantity of information. In Chile, they are hungry to learn, but don’t have any access to the same training and opportunities. We are here to begin to change that. It is an amazing group of young people and present and future leaders here in Chile, with a heart to see God’s purposes fulfilled in the church in Chile.

It is a privilege to be part of this amazing opportunity! Each day this week begins with a teaching session on worship done by Pastor Franklin and then group worship followed by break-out sessions in Drums, Guitar, and Piano as well as Vocal coaching. I am excited to work with great young people in piano and vocals. In the afternoon, sessions on songwriting followed by groups of 3-5 working on writing songs.

Songwriting is one of my favorite things to do and it is a joy to pass along teaching and tips as well as work with the groups writing songs. “No Temere”, meaning “No Fear” based on Psalm 23 and “Soplo de Dios”, “Breath of God” based on Ez. 37 the valley of dry bones are two of the songs that I am working on writing with my groups as well as helping out with suggestions for other groups. We are planning to finish about 10 songs with the people of Chile this week that can impact the country of Chile and the churches here. (Update: there were 11 songs completed!)

In the open session as we took a photograph, I learned a chant for Chile. Chi-Chi-Chi-le-le-le, Vi-Va- Chi-le. The word “Viva” means live in Spanish and it is a patriotic chant for their country. I pray that Chile would truly live in the highest meaning of the word in God’s kingdom! May Chile live for Jesus! May Chile be transformed, individual by individual person to a country of vibrant life and promise and God’s purposes fulfiled.

May Jesus be glorified! Looking forward to a great week with much learning and growth, the creation of beautiful songs and increasing power in the heart of worship in the churches in Chile and beyond! Thank you for your prayers!

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